Read these 89 Love Love Love Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Emotional tips and hundreds of other topics.
Emotional blackmail is when someone manipulates you, whether openly or indirectly, through threat. In other words, if you do not do what the person wants, they will make you suffer. Emotional blackmailers may make you feel like you owe them, or that if you do not do what they want you to do, they will take away their love or approval.
Women often make great sacrifices for men they love. Unfortunately, women then expect men to repay their efforts. Men then often feel pressured to do something they do not want to do and women feel slighted and resentful because the men did not return the sacrifice.
Guys often complain that girls are "frigid". First, remember that most guys have a lot stronger sexual drive than women. and the "cold shoulder" is probably the most common tool a woman uses to keep the relationship at a safe level. What to do?
You may want to get used to girls being "frigid" :-), or, take the relationship slower, being supportive but not too pushy.
It is my experience that men like to pursue their women and not to be pursued. If the woman is too needy, clingy, or falling all over them, they tend to pull away.
My tip to be yourself. Guys like women who are confident, active, happy, in love with life. Even a "not so good looking girl" becomes attractive if she has a spark of life. Then, I would give him very subtle clues -- a shy smile, a certain look, being near him but not obviously so. It is a mixture of letting him know you are there and available, but not after him.
Take your lover on a picnic to a grassy field (wild life areas, unused parks, abandoned beaches, and grassy knolls are wonderful). Pack a blanket, some sandwiches, and a bottle of wine or sparkling water. Take his/her shoes off and rub feet. Fall asleep in the afternoon sun. Go for a romantic walk holding hands, taking your time to enjoy nature. |
Women tend to talk more than men. There is a biological reason for this. Women tend to have stronger language centers in the brain then men do. Therefore, women will talk about things that are bothering them, things they hope do not happen, things they worry about, things in the past and future... well they talk about lots of things! Because they talk so much they expect men to do the same and often women become hurt or bothered when the man does not share everything.
How do you let someone know that you are interested in him or her? First, try not to be too obvious. If that person is not interested in you, you could end up making a fool of yourself. Instead, show the person you are interested by giving special looks, being near, or commenting on statements they make. Then, try to read the meaning in his or her responses.
Try not to get into the habit of saying 'I Love You' on a routine basis, when the words have no meaning. Say them when you mean them, and make sure the meaning of those words is reflected in the tone of your voice and in your eyes to really have an effect. For a great site to order roses (and more!) for your special someone, click on the roses below:
Spontaneously ask him or her to go star gazing with you. Pack a blanket and find a place where your view will be less obstructed by city lights. A field in the country, or hill top on the edge of town is perfect.
Instead of giving just one birthday present on his/her birthday, give a small present each day of that month until the day of the his/her birthday. Gifts do not have to be elaborate or expensive. You can give a poem, a letter, a card, a promise, a lost sock, a matching button for the one he lost on his favorite coat, a picture of you... |
One of the deadliest mistakes couples make is to let negative feelings about the other person build up. Just like a festering wound, those negative feelings will have to come ou sooner or later. Usually, when too many negative feelings have been kept inside, they come gushing forth like a volcano. And unfortunately, when there are too many negative feelings inside, there is little room of the positive ones to survive.
How do you tell a guy whom you have known since kindergarten who has asked you out that you are not interested? There really is no easy way to do this, so it is best to just be up front and honest and tell him that since you have been together since kindergarten, you think of him as a friend and a relationship could never go any further than friendship.
Have you often wondered why someone would allow themselves to be abused or emotionally battered? Are you wondering why you allow yourself to be abused or emotionally battered? There is no reason to feel bad. Emotional abuse, as well as many other kinds of abuse, occurs slowly over time. You may not even realize it is happening until it is too late. Abuse and battering cross over all economic and cultural lines, meaning, it can happen to anyone.
For information about sexual difficulties and dysfunctions, please look under the Emotional Guru's section on Mental Health Disorders. Everything from pain at intercourse to lack of desire and impotence are discussed.
Ever heard of the seven year itch? Well, there is some truth to the rumor. Love doesn't always wax and wane on a seven year rotation, but it does have its ups and downs. If you are considering divorce because you are in a "down" period, you might want to wait a few months to see if the magic does not reappear. |
Men, brush her hair for her unexpectedly. Take your time. Better yet, offer to shampoo and dry her hair.
Romance is not love. That is a common mistake often made. Romance is actually the expression of love and it is something that can be learned (or taught!). Some people are naturally romantic, they can express their love in hundreds of different ways. Others say, or do, almost nothing at all, but their feelings might be the same. How do you know if s/he loves you or not? You may want to check out this book: Consider Love, Its Many Moods and Ways.
Women often want to change men. This is just something women do, especially women with children because women feel responsible for nurturing positive change in their child. Men, however, often resent a woman trying to change who they are.
Write your special someone a poem. You do not have to be a poet or even a very good writer. The poem does not even have to rhyme. It is the thought that counts and the fact that you tried to put your feelings into words (Men, most woman eat this one up!) |
Most guys hate to shop. Most women love the idea, however. My suggestion? Men, take her shopping without letting a single complaint cross your lips! More than that, take her to Victoria Secret and buy something sexy. You just might get rewarded for your efforts.
It is common for two people in a relationship to set up daily patterns of living or talking with each other. This is how our brain functions, by putting behavior into neat little packages. One of the best ways of avoiding an emotional rut in your relationship is to create space. By that, I mean, each member needs time away to build and expand themselves through hobbies, other friendships, or interests, as a way of bringing new freshness to the relationship.
How do you know if someone likes you? Well, short of asking him or her straight out, you will have to become good at reading social cues. When you are near the person, what gut-reactions do you have? Acceptance? Warmth? Annoyance? Pay attention to what your own body cues are telling you. These cues will give you insight into what the other person is thinking and feeling.
The day you start taking your lover (spouse, signficant other, etc.) for granted, is the day your love and romance starts to die. It takes effort AND a conscious effort to keep up on the little things in life that are important, especially if you have been married or together for many years. Telling him you love him every single day, telling her she is beautiful, holding hands when you walk in the mall, and opening the car door for her, or thanking him for mowing the lawn, are little ways for showing you care that will keep your marriage alive.
When discussing problems or differences with each other, it is important to use "I" messages. Rather than saying, "You never take me out anymore," a better way of stating this would be "I wish we could go out more." In this way, the other person does not feel blamed which might cause a battle, while still allowing the feeling of wanting to go out more surface.
When a problem arises in a relationship, women tend to want to talk about the problem in detail right away. Men, on the other hand, may want to withdraw for awhile to process their thoughts. This can lead to the man not giving the woman the kind of support she wants and needs, which causes her to nag and talk more. This can lead to the man becoming irritated at the woman for talking too much about the problem and not allowing him the necessary time he needs to think the problem through.
Plan a special date to a romantic place, like a prepared picnic setting in an open field, or a nature walk through an enchanted forest. Blindfold your special other to add to the suspense of where you are going. Have everything ready when you get there, such as a blanket, bottle of wine, or a candle lit midnight brunch.
Nagging will only worsen your special other's behavior and most likely worsen your relationship. Stay positive, and if you can have a little patience, your efforts will pay off.
If you does not take out the trash as he promised or she does not pick up her clothes like she said she would, rather than nag, wait for a time when you see the correct behavior and reward him/her with a hug and a kiss. Remark about how much you appreciate what s/he has done. A little positive reinforcement goes a lot further than negative reinforcement. Believe me, I have been a behavioral health specialist for nearly 25 years!
Routines are boring, right? Well, not always. Having rituals and routines is one way to maintain that special bond in a relationship. It might be cooking his favorite meal each year on his birthday, providing her with a suds filled bath on a regular basis, or greeting her at the door with roses on your anniversary. By the way, flowers are NOT just for the ladies. Men like them too! |
Before leaving for work in the morning, leave your lover a note on the mirror, written in red lipstick, and circled with a heart. Say something like "I will be thinking about you all day" or "I cannot wait to see you tonight." My guess is that both of your thoughts will be on each other for a good part of the day.
When men and women argue, things usually fall apart when the man feels the woman is critical of him or the woman feels the man is not taking her seriously.
Men and women think very differently, yet men expect women to think like they do and women expect men to do the same. This misunderstanding often leads to feelings of resentment. Men and women do not think a like. We process events, relationships and emotions very differently. Understanding this subtle difference can help a struggling relationship.
Guys, do not wait until she is all dressed up with her hair combed and makeup on to tell her she is beautiful. Tell her first thing in the morning, when her hair is a mess and her mascara is smeared beneath her eyes.
According to author, Dan Neuharth "If your parents controlled you in unhealthy ways, they may have planted land mines in your psyche." Research shows that behaviors and traits exhibited by adult children of controlling parents include the following: depression, low self-esteem, distorted self-image, eating disorders and other addictions, stress-related health problems, inability to sustain an intimate relationship, and more. To read more about the emotional effects of controlling parents, check out Dan Neuharth's book in the book section of this website. |
Romance, as sex, is largely a state of the mind. I know that does not sound very romantic, but if your brain is not into it, then, it is pretty hard to persuade your body to go along and feel what you want to feel. Think of the brain as a love muscle that can be exercised and trained. Practice being romantic. |
When there is a problem, women often like to voice the problem to the man in detail. What she is subtly asking for is reassurance or a shared understanding. She is not asking for the man to solve the problem for her as men sometimes think.
I once read that men think about sex approximately every 5 minutes or so. That seemed incredible to me so I polled several guy friends. Sure enough, my friends told me thinking about sex every 5 minutes or so was not true -- they thought about it more than that!
Unfortunately, most couples do not having matching sex drives (called libidos). Some men would have sex every chance they could get while others can go a long period of time between having sex. The same for women.
If your lover's low libido (or your own) is causing problems in your relationship, you might want to:
1) Make sure the low libido is not due to some
medical problem.
2) Consider whether the problem may be due to a
psychological factor, such as too much stress
at work or home, financial difficulties, or
other problem.
3) If neither of these areas are a concern, you
might want to see a therapist that specializes in sexual issues.
This is one of my favorites -- but then, so is pizza. Order out pizza. When it is delivered, put a quilt or blanket on the floor in the living room (to catch the mess). Light candles and turn off all the lights. Feed each other the pizza (check to make sure it is not too hot!). Order roses for your special someone by clicking the rose icon below:
When fighting or arguing with someone, try to stick with one topic. One mistake we all commonly make is to bring up what is bothering us and then complicate the issue by bringing up other issues and tossing them back and forth at each other like hand grenades while the actual issue gets lost in the heat of the battle.
There are thousands of others out there who are compatible to us and to whom we might find ourselves attracted. Many times, we become confused, thinking that if we are attracted to someone else, we must not be attracted to our mate anymore. This is not true. Humans are capable of being attracted to, and loving, many people at the same time. How else could you be a wife, husband, parent, grandparent, or good friend?
MOST men, and many women, use sexual fantasies to become sexually aroused. This is perfectly normal. If your spouse (significant other/lover) has sexual fantasies, it does not mean that s/he is not sexually attracted to you or that you are not meeting his/her needs. Therefore, you should not feel threatened by them, nor should your self-esteem suffer in any way.
Arguments and fights in relationships often get out of hand because one or both parties feel they must "win" the battle. Rather than trying to convince the other person to see things your way, lower your expectations to simply "venting the problem" without having to win.
Just because a person finds him or herself attracted to someone outside the relationship, does not mean there is something lacking or wrong within the relationship. It simply means the other person is compatible.
Relationships, like plants, sometimes die a natural death, no matter how weel you nurture them and try to keep them alive. This is because people within the relationship change. One member might grow and mature, develop new interests, or have changing needs. This does not mean the relationship was a 'failure.' It just came to its end.
Can't get over a break up? Here are the cold, hard facts. The brain registers patterns of behavior and files them away for future use so it can be "lazy" and not have to think so hard. That is why we tend to sit in the same section at church, buy the same brand of foods, and buy our gas at the same gas station. That is one reason why relationships; particularly ones that went on for a long time, are difficult to get over. Create new behaviors and new patterns and you will find your emotional heartbreak lessens.
All relationships have their ups and downs. By that, I mean there are times when the relationship could not be better and times when you wonder what went wrong. This happens in all relationships, whether that relationship is with a spouse, lover, child, parent, coworker, or friend. If you are thinking about ending a relationship because you are in a down time, remember, an up time could be right around the corner.
It is the 'little' things that count in keeping romance in a relationship. Things like opening doors, pulling out chairs, and holding hands when walking that let the other person know on a daily basis that she or he is special.
A reader recently wrote: My boy friend asked me to have sex and I do not feel ready. What do I tell him? First, some cold, hard facts! Guys have very different sexual needs than women's. I once read that guys actually think about sex at least once every 5 minutes. I asked a couple of male friends and they both told me that was not true. They think about sex more often than that!
Men's hormones are different than women's are, therefore, even nice guys may tend to pressure for sex when the girl is not ready. A woman should never be pressured into sex and a guy who really cares will take a "no" for an answer and still like you.
So, what do you tell him? You tell him "I AM NOT READY FOR SEX YET!" and leave it at that. If he says "Everyone else is doing it". You say, "Is it not nice that I am unique and not like everyone else!" And mean it! Be tough on this. If he likes you, he will hang around and wait. If not, you are better off that he left.
Bedrooms can be boring. Instead, why not make love someplace else? You might want to try in front of the refrigerator and have a tasty treat at the same time, or, how about on top of the washing machine? Make a list of as many erotic or off beat places you could make love and then set a goal with your lover to visit each and every one. Want a romantic DVD/Video to get you started? You might want to visit Romantic Video.
While women like to talk about differences and problems, men often like to keep such things to themselves. Women need to allow a man the time to withdraw and work out a solution instead of trying to force the man to talk about the problem as a way of finding resolve.
Women tend to be talkers and men tend to be thinkers when it comes to overcoming problems. Women will talk on and on, figuring out possible solutions through sharing their thoughts with others, while men tend to keep to themselves, thinking through situations internally. This difference can cause confusion if the woman thinks the man just does not care, or the man becomes irritated having to listen to the woman voice her thoughts.
Most women feel that their body (hair, eyes, nose, etc.) is not right. That is because our society has created a false image of what women should look like. Models are ultra thin and beautiful, but, how many women do you see that look like that on the street? And, furthermore, the woman you see on the cover of a magazine does NOT wake up looking like that in the morning! Many of those pictures are taken hundreds of times to capture the one that you see! Most men will tell you that confidence, a good posture, an a happy attitude are more important than how fat/thin, tall/short, ugly/pretty you are.
Are you a traveler? A business wo/man that also has a lover? If so, list out all 50 states. Set a goal to make love to your special someone in each and every state. If you do not have time to make love in each state, or just happen to be passing over the state in an airplane, give that special someone a special kiss. Then, when you get home, cross off those states you have visited or passed over and plot together how to be intimate in each and every one!
Whenever s/he leaves on a business trip, make sure to put something in his/her bag. If you are the one leaving, leave something behind where s/he will find it. Suggestions include: a card, a flower, a cork from a wine bottle you shared on a special nice, your panties, a poem, a picture, a wish... |
Don't seem too needy. Guys hate needy girls. Be yourself. Be happy. Be interested in life. Be energetic. And then be near guys! They will pick up on your self-confidence and be as attracted to it as a bee on honey.
Do you want a long-lasting, satisfying marriage? Then, do not take your loved one for granted. Remember to praise him/her for every day acts. Even if your loved one is,, somewhat lazy... find something good s/he does and build on it. If he lifted his feet for you while you vacuumed under him, give him a great big kiss on the forehead and say "Thanks!" Praise will always change behavior faster and better than nagging.
According to Dr. Susan Forward, there are six deadly symptoms of emotional blackmail: A demand. Resistance. Pressure. Threats. Compliance. Repetition. |
Women tend to keep a mental score when it comes to arguing and disagreements, whereas, men tend to process the disagreement or argument and then let it go.
A common question that arises from women is about husbands who enjoy pornographic material on the Internet. Many women think this is a reflection upon themselves, or that their husband is interested in other women. That is not true, however. Guys are more turned on by visual sexual stimulus than women. Instead, tell him you understand his desire, but ask if he would please limit Internet sex to X number of hours per week. Letting him have his hobby rather than criticizing it may even lessen his desire for using the Internet in this way.
A first kiss is more than just a kiss, it is milestone in anyone's life and is symbolic of moving into a new phase of life that involves intimate relationships with others. A girl friend that suddenly turns melancholy after a first kiss is probably doing a lot of heavy thinking, not just about the kiss, but about what the kiss means. Be supportive and do not pressure. Moreover, do not think that she did not like your kiss because that is most likely not the case.
A male friend once told me that there is no such thing as having a relationship with a man that was not sexual because men are incapable of it. I did not believe him so I polled many, many men, and guess what? They all agreed! Women, more often than not, are interested in the relationship while men, although they may also be interested in the relationship, are typically first more interested in the sex.
When coming home, make sure the first thing you do is to find your partner and give him or her a hug every time you enter the door. There is nothing like being someone's #1 priority.
Because men and women think differently, when it comes to emotional need, women tend to want to give the men what they would want, and the men give the women what they would want. Unfortunately, what the man wants and what the woman wants are usually two different things.
She says she just wants to be friends, but you want it to be more than that. What do you do?
First, Be yourself. When you are comfortable with yourself, it shows and others are attracted to you. In other words, be comfortable with who you are and confident in what you do.
Second, She may really mean she just wants you as a friend. Women actually believe they can have platonic (no sex) relationships with men. Men, however, tell me this is impossible!
Third, Do not be too apparent that you want her. Men and women tend to be turned off when they think they are being chased. Simply be around her, be yourself, give lots of invitations and hints, but do not chase! And if this does not work, perhaps you need to look elsewhere.
Write a poem for him or her. It does not matter that you are not an experienced poet, or even that your poem makes sense or rhymes. It is the thought behind the action that counts.
A reader asked what to do in a case where the relationship is long distance and the other party suddenly is showing less interest and she suspects an affair. I suggested that she be up front. Tell him she feels as if he has become distant and just wants to know if he is still interested. I advised her to not accuse him of wrong doing or suggest that he is having an affair. If the guy denies everything and says he is still interested, trust him that it is and that things have grown distant because of the distance. If, however, he is having an affair or is no longer interested, you have given him an out.
Fix a huge bowl of your favorite ice cream, as long as it is gooey and dripping in your favorite toppings such as caramel, chocolate, or strawberry. Whip cream and cherries are optional. Add one spoon. Now, share the special treat with your lover, taking turns feeding each other the ice cream delight. Want other romantic ideas? There are so many wonderful ideas in 1001 Ways To Be Romantic that it would take you years just to get through them all!
When women and men argue with each other, typically, the woman wants to convince the man of her position. That does not mean she is trying to force him to accept her position, she just needs affirmation that he understands her position. Unfortunately, men often think the women are trying to get them to change their minds and to side with the woman. The man, then, may become argumentive and defensive.
Spend a day together doing... nothing! That is right. Plan to do nothing and then do whatever comes to mind, whether that be staying in bed till noon, or jumping up to watch the first rays of the sunrise. Let your shared mood steer the course of the day without worry about wasting time, following a set plan, or getting anything accomplished.
According to best selling author, Dr. Susan Forward, if any of the following statements sound familiar to you, you may be experiencing emotional blackmail: "If you really loved me..." "After all I have done for you..." "How can you be so selfish..." |
When George and Nena O'Neill interviewed couples for their book, Open Marriage, they talked to couples who had been together for decades, those that had relationships end in bitterness or divorce, and those new to the relationship game. They found two common themes in all of these marriages. One, it was common to feel attraction to another person outside of the relationship, and two, it was common to wish for and dream of freedom.
How do you know if a boy likes you? Boys and girls often express interest in very different ways, making it difficult to read each other's cues. For example, pre-teen boys may show off with their buddies in front of you, while older teens might like you very much but be afraid to let you know. Try to hang around where he is, give him a special look or smile, or ask him about something that he is doing, then try to be keenly aware of what cues you pick up in how he talks, looks, smiles, and through his body language.
Thee most common question I get is how to know if someone loves you. It is hard to tell that person, particularly a young person just learning about love, that "if you have to ask... s/he probably does not love you." You will know when, and if, s/he loves you without having to ask... trust me on this one.
Have you ever heard the saying "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?" Well, this saying holds true in young relationships. Sometimes we do not want something until we realize someone else wants it. That is probably why a girl you have had a crush on, but who did not show any interest in you, suddenly appears jealous when you approach another girl.
If you are being emotionally abused, the first step in helping yourself is understanding your situation. Step back, take a good look at what is happening. Write down your thoughts about times you have felt worthless, depressed, or resentful and what happened to make you feel that way. Were these feelings the result of something you did or said? Or, did someone do or say something to make you feel this way?
A common problem in relationships is something I call 'The Game of Chase." In this game, one partner wants to pull closer, only to have the other partner pull away, causing the first partner to try even hard to pull closer until one partner is literally running away from the other. How to stop a game of chase? Stop running.
Because women tend to like to talk their frustrations through out loud, they may say things like, "We never have any fun anymore." The man instantly takes this as a complaint against him, when most times, the woman was simply pointing out something she wants to change without meaning to make the man feel blamed.
The following are symptoms of emotional abuse: Do you feel threatened? Unworthy? Are you loved and adored when you do what someone else wants you to do and ignored and punished when you do not? Have you ever been called selfish, greedy, bad, uncaring, cold, cruel, frigid? Is the other person's opinion/idea always better than yours? According to Dr. Susan Forward, if any of these statements sound familiar, you may be experiencing emotional abuse. |
The number 1 issue couples fight about is... money! Actually, it isn't really just the money that is causing the issue. It's a difference in beliefs and practices regarding money. Things like how we were brought up, whether we are male or female, and the type of social setting we are in, all contribute to the issue.
When fighting or arguing with someone about something you would like them to change, your suggestions will go a lot further if you have also let that person know what s/he does right. If your compliments and criticisms are out of balance, you may need to tip with scale by making sure you have given plenty of compliments before adding criticism.
Prepare an area in your own backyard or deck for a moonlit dinner. Add white Christmas lights ahead of time in trees or strung about the deck. Have a boombox or speakers to pipe in romantic music, and, do not forget the candles (and dinner!)
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