Symptoms of an Attachment Disorder

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What are the symptoms of an attachment disorder?

Symptoms of an Attachment Disorder

Symptoms of an attachment disorder may include:
1. Superficially charming; uses cuteness to get his/her own way,
2. Cruelty to animals/people,
3. Fascination with fire/death/blood/gore,
4. A severe need for control over adults or even minute situations,
5. Being excessively manipulative (playing adults against each other),
6. Difficulty in making eye-contact,
7. Being overly affectionate to strangers,
8. Being overly bossy,
9. Showing no remorse (seems to have no conscience), 10. Lies and steals,
11. Having difficulty making and keeping friends,
12. Speech and language problems,
13. Overall developmental delay,
14. Demanding/clingy,
15. Incessant chattering or question asking,
16. Hoarding/sneaking/stuffing food,
17. Emotions do not match the situation and are unpredictable,
18. Overly sensitive to sights/sounds/touch/smells, 19. Overly active.
20. Impulsive,
21. Cannot regulate eating/sleeping/toileting patterns.



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