Cognitive Approach to ADD/ADHD, Impulsivity, Hyperactivity

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How can I get a child with ADD/ADHD to complete an assignment?

Cognitive Approach to ADD/ADHD, Impulsivity, Hyperactivity

Sometimes children with ADD/ADHD seem to act without thinking. This is called impulsivity and is a common problem among children with ADD/ADHD. But children can be taught to give themselves self-cues to cognitively "slow down". For example, for a child who tends to rush through his/her school work and ends up with a messy, half-completed assignment, the child can be taught to self-monitor by having them "think" through the situation ahead of time using a series of questions, such as: Did I put my name on the paper? Did I use my best handwritting? Did I answer all of the questions?



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